
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Feeding Your Energy Matrix with Color and Life ~ Rainbow Bell Peppers with Chickpeas, Dill & Honey-Dijon Vinaigrette

In the service of eating to evolve, I find it useful to remind myself often that Everything is Energy, and this includes Me and You.

We may feel heavy and dense from time to time, but the truth beyond the illusion is that our bodies, and the foods with which we choose to nourish them, are all made up of electromagnetic vibrations: charged particles, biophotons, waves, and space.

When we eat any food, what we are really consuming is an energy field—an actual vibrational imprint of atoms—oscillating within a particular form, and at a particular speed. Depending on the vibrational rate and geometric patterning of any given food, eating it will shift our own vibration in a distinct or subtle way.

When we eat fresh, water-containing plants or raw/lightly cooked natural foods, the high quotient of life force energy within the food interfaces with our energy matrix and supports the vibrancy of our own energy field. (On the other hand, we can't expect much of a boost from such items as Jello, hamburger buns, processed meats, sugary cereals, etc.)

It is easy to see that the more alive our food is, the more it will resonate with the life force vibration within our bodies, and contribute to our energetic aliveness. The shape and color of our food also has a distinct influence on our bodies' energetic response to it—imagine interfacing with the creamy symmetry of an avocado sliced down the middle, or the firm flower of a red bell pepper. Beautiful foods feeds us with the beauty of sacred geometry, color and light.

Dietary science provides minimum daily requirements for quantifiable nutrients such as calories, proteins and vitamins. But what is our daily requirement for Life Force Energy? Or for color itself - say, ORANGE? Or GREEN? We need life and color as much as we need calories.  

Think about it!

And now, for a color-rich recipe. This one is made with a festive rainbow trio of crisp bell peppers, a juicy matrix for infusing our cells with vitality.

It being the dead of winter, I was thrilled last week to receive a gift of six gigantic red, orange and yellow Whole Trade® peppers from my local Whole Foods Market, where I participated in a Wellness Fair last Friday. Who could resist these beauties? Aren't they gorgeous?!

As an aside,  while I believe in building the diet around native and local foods, I also appreciate the wider choices that modern food transportation systems provide. Our ancestors struggled to thrive on sparse winter pickings; we have options. How fortunate to have ongoing access to fresh, living foods—whether organically grown, local, or Fair Trade certified. The more whole, beautiful and alive our food, the more it will support our radiance and health, in any season.

Rainbow Bell Peppers with Chickpeas, Dill & Honey-Dijon Vinaigrette

Main Ingredients
4 large, multicolored bell peppers (5 cups diced)
1 15.5 oz can organic chickpeas, well-rinsed and drained
1 cup chopped fresh dill weed

Honey-Dijon Vinaigrette
2 Tbs lime juice
2 Tbs flaxseed oil
1 Tbs raw honey
1 tsp sea salt or Himalayan pink salt
1 tsp prepared Dijon mustard

Wisk together all vinaigrette ingredients and set aside.

Cut peppers in half; remove tops and white pith.

Dice peppers and add to bowl with chickpeas and chopped dill.

Pour in vinaigrette, toss well and refrigerate for at least one hour to allow flavors to marry.

Stir again and garnish with dill before serving. May be made ahead for next day dining. Stays nice and crisp for two days. Bon appetit!


  1. Second time I've made this, both with spectacular (literally) results. This time I used soy sauce, rice wine and ginger in the dressing. Works well too.

    This is about the time of year I'm really starting to pine for farmer's markets and summer produce. But that is still months away.

  2. Mmmm, rice wine and ginger — great combo! It's true, summer produce is still months away, but maybe you can find a winter market in your area, Matthew? We have one in Amherst that keeps me in greens year-round (not to mention roots!), it's fabulous.
