
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Pumpkin Pie Pudding (High Raw, Vegan)

Today, dear reader, I invite you to consider the humble pudding for breakfast. Creamy, rich, dairy-free flaxseed pudding, that is.

Flaxseed pudding is a high raw confection that makes a deliciously comforting breakfast—especially welcome on chilly mornings when the idea of a cleansing green juice or smoothie holds distinctly less appeal.

Having experimented with flaxseed pudding creation all week, I am delighted to present this tasty Pumpkin Pie version, made with organic canned pumpkin puree, unsweetened almond milk, and medjool dates.

Tiny flaxseeds are rich in mucilaginous compounds that serve as splendid thickening agents for puddings. High in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids, flaxeeds are very soothing to the digestive tract. They also contain soluble fiber that helps to gently promote bowel activity (bonus!). To keep flaxseeds fresh, store tightly sealed in a cold place, ideally the freezer.

Chia seeds may be substituted for flax in this recipe, but since chia costs more, I prefer to save it for tapioca style puddings. Both chia and flax provide 2 grams of protein per tablespoon.

Pumpkin Pie Pudding
makes one serving

1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
2 Tablespoons whole flaxseed
3 Tablespoons organic pumpkin puree
2 medjoool dates, pitted and chopped
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice*
1/2 cup water
1-2 Tablespoons raisins (optional)

To begin, add almond milk and flaxseeds to blender, and allow seeds to soak while you gather remaining ingredients and drink your tea, about 15 minutes.

When ready, add in pumpkin puree, dates, and pumpkin pie spice. Blend on low for half a minute or so. Gradually increase speed to high, and blend until smooth—a minute or so.

Slowly increasing blending speed helps to reduce the amount of pudding that splatters onto the sides and lid of your blender container. However, this thick pudding is bound to spatter somewhat anyway! So once initial blending is complete, remove lid and pour 1/2 cup of water into the lid and then down the insides of the blender, swirling all the way. Use a rubber spatula to push down what's left clinging to the sides.Then, briefly blend again on low, incorporating all.

When pudding is properly pureed, pour into a mug or bowl. Top with raisins and a sprinkle of cinnamon or nutmeg, if desired. Eat straight away or take with you to work. Alternately, chill pudding and enjoy later.

PREP TIP: This recipe takes one cup of liquid, divided half and half between unsweetened almond milk and water. You could add both at the beginning, but then you wouldn't have extra liquid available to help wash down the insides of the blender and conserve your precious pudding. Think about it. ;)

SUBSTITUTIONS: If you're out of dates, substitute a tablespoon of maple syrup. Missing raisins? Garnish with sliced banana and/or finely chopped walnuts instead. Yum! 

* Pumpkin Pie Spice perfectly blends cinnamon, nutmeg, clove and ginger into a single, convenient powder. Made by Frontier Herbs in an organic version, pumpkin pie spice may be readily found in the spice or bulk section of your local health food store only during the holiday season; order direct from Frontier any time of year.

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