
Monday, August 16, 2010

The Rose Cleanse

Today is Day One of a seven-day cleanse I've decided to do in honor of summer's final quarter. The program is called The Rose Cleanse – developed by one of my favorite nutritionists, Natalia Rose. Natalia is the author of the popular books The Raw Food Detox Diet and Detox For Women among others, and her website is not to be missed by anyone interested in cellular cleansing and high life force living.

The Rose Cleanse is quite simple. You enjoy between two and four 16-ounce fresh raw vegetable juices during the day, and then feast on a well-combined, cleansing meal of raw vegetable salad PLUS unlimited steamed or lightly sauteed low-starch veggies (if desired) AND your choice of a starch-based entree (baked sweet potato with organic butter and sea salt, winter squash, roasted red potatoes, avocado) or a protein-based entree (raw goat cheese, fish, free-range eggs or raw sprouted seed cheese or nut paté).

The Rose Cleanse is similar to doing seven days of the final day of my Maine Detox, which I wrote about last April. Feel free to check those posts for some tasty juice recipes if you are interested in trying The Rose Cleanse for yourself.

Speaking of juice, the picture above may look to you like three bottles of kombucha but, in fact, it is my juice intake for the day–less the glass of green juice I already drank. (I've got a nice stash of glass kombucha bottles saved from the research phase of my soon-to-be published Kombucha booklet, so why not put them to good use?!)

When juice fasting, I like to prepare all my daily juice at once, in the morning, to make life manageable. I prefer storing juice in glass rather than plastic, and make a point to fill jars or bottles almost to the brim to minimize contact between the juice and the air, reducing the opportunity for oxidation to take place. Kept cold in this way, I find that fresh-pressed juice stays lively for 12-24 hours.

The green juice is a cucumber-celery-lemon-comfrey-green apple-jalapeno combo and the orange juice is a cucumber-carrot-ginger-lemon-fuji apple combo.

Altogether, I'll be ingesting about 48 ounces of juice today, followed by a dinner of my choice. I'm going to a potluck so we'll see what I can rustle up. And what am I bringing to the potluck, you wonder? Cheezy Cauliflower Delight, of course, made with marinated raw cauliflower, red bell pepper and the ever-popular Cheezy Hemp Nacho Sauce, highlighted in my last post!

Tomorrow, I'll be posting again with an update, so stay tuned...!


  1. I envy the discipline you have to follow through with your cleansing programs. I get started but then I stray away from the project...Let me know when you publish your booklet on Kombucha..I'm starting a collection of your stuff. So far the only booklet I have is the one on artificial sweeteners which was mind bending...

  2. Thank you, Anonymous. I'd love to let you know when the Kombucha booklet comes out. For that to happen, you must first reveal your secret identity! Please feel free to email me directly at with your name and coordinates, so I can keep you posted.
    Many Blessings, Diana

  3. I love the Rose Cleanse, I look forward to reading your updates!

  4. I love the Rose Cleanse, I look forward to reading your updates!

  5. Thanks, Rande! This post is about a year old's great to keep getting comments! Today I'm looking forward to the 3-day Guided Juice fast with Natalia that starts tomorrow - I hope you'll be joining us! xo Diana
