
Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Living in the Raw

On August 17th I started a little raw food experiment, upping my raw food intake from high raw to very high raw. Very very very high.

For those who don't know, the "raw food diet" is defined as a diet that contains eighty percent or more raw food. Not necessarily exclusively raw, just 80%. This will come as a relief to many people who are drawn to raw food nutrition but hesitate to give up all cooked food, the option of going out to dinner with friends, etc.

There's a significant degree of confusion or, in some cases, competition in some circles around the whole issue of "how raw" a person is. For many people, there are times or situations when one wants or needs to commit to being strictly 100% raw. Karen Knowler, the UK's exuberant Raw Food Coach, calls this "going through the eye of the needle." I respect people who choose this path, for however long. I've walked on it myself and there's a lot to be said for adhering to that kind of discipline while remaining soft in one's heart.

The current experiment going on here is a step down from 100% rigidity, although exceptions are pretty much limited to things like miso and other condiments (prepared mustard, curry paste, organic soup broth powder) plus some restaurant-friendly items like goat cheese* or olives that make it possible for me to be relaxed when going out to eat with "normal" people. (This happened today.)

Speaking of normal people, many do wonder what on earth a raw fooder actually eats, anyway? Is it just a lot of salad and fruit? Isn't that boring?! I thought I'd answer that question by sharing a few days of my raw food diet-lifestyle, just to show how varied it is, and how delicious!

Let's start with today, Tuesday. FYI, the tostada shells at dinner are a version of a Wild Rice Flatbread from Living Cuisine, Renée Loux-Underkoffler's magnificent un-cookbook. I made these with red rice instead of wild rice and they are fantastic. The soup was gently warmed to 100 degrees, just steaming, to preserve life force & enzymes intact.

water. herb tea. Green Juice (celery, kale, carrot, apple, lemon, ginger)

Greek Salad (From Panera restaurant. Feta cheese and olives not raw.)

Sacred Chocolate (69% dark chocolate; 1/3 bar)
2 Seckle pears (from my tree - delicious!)
tea with raw honey

big slice of Manchego raw sheep cheese (appetizer)
Raw Blended Soup (Cream of Sweet Corn and Zucchini Dill)
Guacamole Tostadas (Cilantro-Lime Guacamole, Purple Cherokee Tomatoes, Butter Lettuce, Manitok Wild Rice Flatbread)

AM - 20 minutes rebounding, yoga
PM - 20 minute dog and cat walk (Bonnie, the one-year old kitten accompanied Stella and I. Her brother Clyde stayed home this time.)

* Note: raw fooders are often vegan, but not always. I admire and aspire to an animal-free diet but as a Protein Type O, do well at this point with some goat cheese and even sushi in my raw diet.


  1. Thank you for sharing a day in your life. Such a smart idea because, just as you said, so many people wonder what raw foodists really eat. What a better way than showing them.

    Thanks again.

  2. I appreciate you sharing about what you eat. I have to be honest and say that I think I"d be hungry on this alone.

    I do eat a lot of raw but do supplement with some grains and beans, etc. I need a little more substantial food than all raw, although we eat probably about 70-80% raw.

  3. You're welcome Super Nutrient Gal! I'm going to keep this going for the next few days so people can really get a good idea... leftovers and all. :)

    Eating Raw Foods Info, thank you for your comment and your honesty. When I attended a Health Professional's Training with Natalia Rose, she put your very point beautifully: The goal is "Progress, not Perfection."

    Moving forward, consistently, is all that really matters when it comes to improving your diet-lifestyle. You may find that as cleansing proceeds and your body cells and tissues become less toxic, the less nutritional density you will require. In the meantime, it's very important to eat as much clean and healthy food as you need to feel satisfied and fulfilled.

    :) Diana
