
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Community Superfoods Open Tonight!

Have you heard about Community Superfoods? It's my new, full-service buying group and retail store, welcoming pre-orders and stocking a small inventory. Community Superfoods is only open once a week and tonight's the night!

Community Superfood's doors are open wide just once a week, on Wednesday nights from 4:30 to 7:00 PM, at Montague Integrative Health (432 Greenfield Road, next to the Book Mill). I hope you can stop by.

Store night is a fun opportunity to meet up with your friends and neighbors, taste product samples and enjoy yummy treats that I make like fresh herbal teas and raw goodies. Tonight I'll be serving some sweet, miniature Raw Chocolate Fudge Cookies made with freshly ground almond flour, maple syrup and a trio of raw superfoods: cacao, spirulina and hempseeds. DELICIOUS! (Stay tuned for recipe and pics.)

To learn more about Community Superfoods, click here.

Yours in the Joy & Balancing Light of Fall Equinox,

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