
Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Sweet Life

Dearest Friends,

I am thrilled to announce the publication of my new booklet Natural & Healthy Sweeteners! It's a compact, 42-pages of cutting edge information on some of the most delicious healthy sweeteners on the planet, including what I consider to be the Low Glycemic Superstars: Agave, Stevia and Yacon (natural sweeteners derived from plants native to Central and South America).

Part One of Natural & Healthy Sweeteners introduces you to sugar metabolism - in plain English! - helping you to understand why it's natural to like sweets and what's wrong with refined sugar and artificial sweeteners.

Part Two spotlights a selection of healthy and natural sweeteners. You'll find chapters on raw honey (my all-time favorite antioxidant-rich sweetener), xylitol and other polyols, stevia, agave and yacon. If any of these sound mysterious to you, the veil will be lifted when you read my booklet! I discuss history, features and benefits, calories, glycemic impact and uses for all of the sweeteners profiled in Natural & Healthy Sweeteners.

Whether you're still dipping into the sugar bowl or hooked on diet soda (or know someone who is), this booklet is for you! Published by Woodland Publishing as part of the Woodland Health Series, you can find Natural & Healthy Sweeteners on (click on the title of this blog to go directly to the order page) or ask for it at your local health food store. If you'd like a signed copy, please send me an email at and we'll set that up! Price is just $4.95 + shipping.

In sweetness and light,
Diana :)


    can't wait
    I ordered it
    much love

  2. Thank you, Verena! May you enjoy all the sweetest moments, always... xo Diana

  3. Your booklet is ripe information easliy picked and enjoyed, breath by breath...what talent you inscribe which delights our lives...fab work Diana,:-)
