
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Romaine Roll-ups

The sandwich was invented as a vehicle for fillings. One of my favorite variations on the sandwich theme is to use a crisp, juicy romaine leaf in place of the usual bread.

Spreads as simple as raw almond butter + honey, or tahini + miso taste great on a romaine leaf. Tofu salad, guacamole, hummus: also delish. Or you can get fancy like I did here, filling my wrap with some of the extra Pate Forestier I had leftover from the other night, when I made marinated stuffed mushroom caps for a special dinner.

This Pate recipe is taken and slightly modified from one found in my favorite raw food restaurant in the world's cookbook: Crudessence, by David Cote et Mathieu Gallant. (If you're ever in Montreal, be sure to eat there. It's the best!)

Pate Forestier

Soak 1 c raw sunflower seeds and 2/3 c raw walnuts in cold water for 6-8 hours. Rinse well, drain and purée in a food processer, adding a touch of water if needed to facilitate grinding.

Add in: 1 c mushroom stems or chopped  mushrooms, 1/4 c parsley, 2 Tbs dried dill, 2 Tbs tamari soy sauce (or Braggs Liquid Aminos, Nama Shoyu, etc), 1 clove garlic (minced), 1/2 tsp black pepper, 1 or 2 Tbs lemon juice, pinch of sea salt and drizzle of truffle oil (optional).  Process until creamy. 

Store covered in fridge; keeps for about 4 days. Use for romaine wraps, salad topping, cracker spread, etc. I'm going to mix what's left with cooked brown rice, grated carrots and a few chia seed to make some super savory veggie burgers.  Bon Appetit!


  1. It's a good idea-- we used romaine as bread when we followed the South Beach Diet (altered to be vegetarian by myself) and found the switch satisfying.

  2. I like b/c so juicy, vs dry...and it's fun to eat, too!
