
Friday, December 3, 2010

Mini-Cleanse Takes Off & Holiday Success Tips

Oh, the power of a great idea.

I just completed a post-Thanksgiving Three Day Mini-Cleanse modeled on the one I created last January. Looks like I'm not alone! Google the term "3-Day Mini-Cleanse" and you'll see more than 300,000 hits come up! Not surprisingly, many of them are linked to holiday indulgence recovery.

People all over the world are craving the high energy, clear mind and lean body that results from embracing a natural foods, cleansing diet-lifestyle. And though the principles of cellular cleansing are meant to be followed all the time for peak benefits, it's common to fall off the wagon on occasion. The mini-cleanse gets you back on track.

For deeper and more serious work, consider a 21-day or one-month detox. If you'd like support with this, I offer affordable detox and transformational health coaching packages to telephone and in-person clients. This service offers the personalized program and expert, individualized attention that can help you thrive.

Ongoing support, whether short or long term, is the secret to success for many people. Others just need a boost of inspiration from time to time. In this spirit, here are some tips for making it through the next month without derailing your diet-lifestyle commitments. May you be well and joyful. ♥ Diana

Five Tips for a Successful, Cleanse-Friendly Holiday Season

1. Be Prepared. Having a food plan is your best defense against getting stuck in a situation where there is no recourse to good choices. The holiday season, with all its extra social occasions and workplace obligations calls for extra planning. Allow five minutes each night to think about tomorrow's schedule and plan your food for the day. If you know you will be attending a party where choices will be limited, for instance, plan to eat a salad first and bring along your own go-to snacks. (Baby carrots, raw almonds, fruit or dark chocolate all pack well and are fun to share!) Anytime advance prep is required, don't wait till you are rushing out the door in the morning to start washing lettuce. And never leave the house hungry. Be sure to have your breakfast juice, fruit or smoothie first — or bring it with you. Making a few days worth of juices or smoothies at once and tucking them in the freezer makes it easy to grab and go. A full fruit bowl on the kitchen table will help to remind you to bring a juicy snack.

2. Relax Before Eating. Many of us eat in response to stress, to ease tension. Chewing itself has been shown to stimulate the release of serotonin, so there's a biolchemical drive behind this behavior. But stress hunger is in your head, not your belly. If you find yourself opening the refrigerator door or reaching for a snack you know you don't need, pause and check in with yourself first. Take a few deep breaths and ask the question: Do I really want to go down this road? Often, you'll realize the answer is "No way!" And if the answer is yes, choose a crunchy low-cal juicy vegetable or fruit option. When mealtime arrives, take another moment to tune into your body’s signals about what and how much to eat before putting food on your plate. Then, put the right amount for you in this moment, no seconds needed. Enjoy each bite consciously. LOOK at the food on your fork or spoon before putting it in your mouth, CHEW well, TASTE the delicious flavors and BE HAPPY!

3. Stay Hydrated. I've always envied those people who love drinking water, since I am not one of them. I know it's good for me, but those liter bottles are just intimidating! I do love tea, though, and small glasses of water go down easy. So every hour or two, I aim to have one or the other, keeping my beloved black tea intake down to one or two cups a day. Coffee drinkers, take extra heed. (Caffeine increases stress and anxiety—who needs that?)

4. Keep Moving. Exercise dials down stress and normalizes hunger patterns. You don't need to join a gym to benefit from exercise. Bundle up and take an invigorating walk in the brisk December air. Guaranteed, you'll come back in with a fresh new perspective on your day. Or put on your running shoes and spend 20-30 minutes bouncing to your favorite music on your rebounder. In addition to cardio benefits, you'll sweat out toxins and boost your mood with a rush of feel-good endorphins brought on by both music and heart-pumping movement.

5. Stay True to Your Self. Most of us were raised to "be nice" and accept gifts graciously, whether we want them or not. So when the gift is food that we don't want to put in our body, many of us freeze and suffer the consequences. Now that we are adults, it's time to be nice to ourselves by learning how to kindly say "no, thank you" to unwanted gifts. What you choose eat and drink is not a topic for others to challenge or take personal offense to. So whether it's candy, cake, pasta or sugary beverages on offer (or anything else that's off your program), don't worry about hurting your friend, family member, office mate or host's feelings. Remember your why and be true to yourself. (To make this simpler, see Tip One, Be Prepared!)

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