
Friday, July 16, 2010

Carlahteez Fitness

No time to exercise? One question. Have you been in your CAR lately?!

Many people don't realize that every car comes standardly equipped with a permanent piece of exercise equipment. It's called your steering wheel.

Once I realized I had a piece of exercise equipment in my car, I developed the Carlahteez Fitness System. It's quite simple really. I just took some of the principles of Pilates (isometrics, holding an engaged muscle position for toning) and figured out a way to do them in my car, using the resistance of my hands placed in different positions on the steering wheel.

The two basic Carlahteez moves are The PULL, and The PUSH. Both of these can ONLY be practiced on straight stretches of road. DO NOT attempt Carlahteez moves while driving on curvy streets. You may, however, do Carlahteez in traffic. Being stuck in traffic is, in fact, the perfect opportunity to practice Carlahteez.

My favorite move is the Nines & Threes. The Nines & Threes is a great move for toning the upper arms. (Ladies, are you with me?)

To execute the Nines & Threes, place your hands on the steering wheel at the 9:00 and 3:00 position, like the woman in the photo, EXCEPT be SURE to grasp the steering wheel firmly (you are driving, after all!). Now, pull your hands away from each other (while maintaining a firm grasp on the steering wheel) and HOLD for ten seconds, while inhaling deeply.

Next, PUSH you hands towards each other (while still maintaining a firm grasp on the steering wheel) and HOLD for ten seconds, exhaling slowly. Repeat five times to begin, and work up to more reps as you advance.

Another fun move is the Twelves & Sixes. The Twelves & Sixes alternately works your biceps and triceps muscles...from the comfort of your car!
To do this move, place your left hand on the steering wheel at the 12:00 position (or slightly left of 12) and your right hand at the 6:00 position (or slightly right of 6), fingers wrapped around the steering wheel, palms facing in.

PUSH your hands towards each other while maintaining a firm grasp on the steering wheel and HOLD the position for ten seconds, while inhaling deeply.

Next, PULL your hands AWAY from each other, continuing to maintain a firm grasp on the wheel, and HOLD the position for ten seconds while exhaling. Repeat five times, then switch the position of your hands, with the Right hand at the 12:00 position (or slightly to the right of 12) and the left hand at the 6:00 position (or slightly to the left of 6), and repeat the series. Do five sets to begin, and work up to more as you advance.

I know we all spend TOO MUCH TIME SITTING in our modern lifestyle. I'm sitting here at the computer, writing this blog after all. And where I live, driving is pretty much a requirement of life. Driving to the store, driving to school and driving to visit friends is par for the course. It was a wonderful moment when I realized that driving doesn't have to be a bust for my body. I hope you like this idea and share it with your friends! Happy toning!

NOTE: While practicing Carlahteez, ALWAYS pay attention to the road! Only practice when the coast is clear...


  1. I love this post! Mind, body and spirit-ed humor! Good one, Diana. Can't wait to start my own "Carlahteez Fitness" program. Thanks for the inspiration. =)

  2. hah hah hah! Glad you like it, Melissa. You're sure to come up with your own moves. Please share when you do! I'm also developing a Car-Master fitness system, lol. So far, it's just tense and release (no steering wheel involved!), but I might add in a little pillow or something for resistance. What do you think? xx Diana

  3. "Carlahteez" How I love you Diana. Thanks yet again for sharing your brilliance with all of us!

  4. You are so welcome! I have a new move - the Red Light Tricep Stretch. Hands over head, bend arms at elbows, rest hands on headrest and push or pull as feels best!

  5. NOTE ON ABOVE: perform this move ONLY when stopped at a red light!!!
