
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Community Superfoods News: Ultimate Becomes Ojio!

Wow! Community Superfoods is coming up on its eighth month in operation...and things are starting to get hopping. Store night is beginning to welcome more walk-in traffic, and having the chance to connect with my regular customers (you know who you are!) is surely one of the highlights of my week.

Community Superfoods is designed to provide my clients and community with the highest quality raw foods, superfoods and professional quality nutritional supplements I can find - at the best prices anywhere.

At the risk of tooting my own horn, I must admit that ten years in the nutritional supplement industry and a Master of Science degree in Human Nutrition have provided me with the knowledge needed to dig deep into labels, discard hype, examine the research and discern quality. My experience allows you to rest assured that if I carry something, it's going to be a premium product.

Of course, we all know that premium quality tends to go hand in hand with high prices. This is why I decided to create a store that offers top quality superfoods and supplements at reduced prices.

That's right: Communnity Superfoods offers ongoing discounts on everything. Most items are discounted by 15% or 20%, depending on their suggested retail price. I even offer "at cost" specials (no markup) on a few select items such as raw kelp noodles - a terrific pasta alternative.

Store night is Wednesday from 5 to 7 PM
. I'm also open by appointment for those who are unable to make Wednesday evenings. Simply call or email me to set this up!

One of my favorite suppliers for organic raw foods and superfoods is Ultimate Superfoods. This California-based company offers excellent quality and competitive pricing, which I take down even further with my special discount structure.

I've just learned that Ultimate is transitioning into a new look and branding: Ojio. (Pronounced oh-gee-oh.) Their gorgeous new website provides fabulous product information - check it out here. Expect to see the new Ojio brand on my shelves in the next week or two. Here is a sneak peek of their raw cacao powder, with expanded nutrition information, and their clear agave nectar, now packaged in glass bottles:

Local readers, I hope to see you tomorrow night at Community Superfoods! First time visitors: find us next to the Book Mill at 432 Greenfield Road, Montague, MA - the location of my Montague Integrative Health nutritional counseling office.

Love and goji berries, Diana ♥


  1. OK, I just stumbled across your blog and look forward to reading more. One thing that is on my mind lately and I haven't had time to sit and research is Agave. There are conflicting reports these days. Would love to know your thoughts.

  2. hi sherri - thanks for stopping by eat2evolve! you are right: there is a big agave controversy right now - but most of that comes from people realizing that agave is not god's gift to the world and feeling let down, imo. i like a little agave here and there: it's a naturally-source fructose syrup so it doesn't mess w your blood glucose levels. at the same time, it is a processed sweetener and fructose has its own issues, so moderation is key. (moderation means a teaspoon in your tea here and there kind of thing...) alternate agave with stevia (if you like it, just stick with that since it has no calories and no blood sugar impact), raw honey (my favorite truly natural sweetener) and maple syrup. and check out my book Natural & Healthy Sweeteners (available from Amazon) for the complete agave low down.
